Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Saint Monica (UPDATE)

There are times when I'm glad I won't allow RealPlayer on this system. Without that program, I cannot stream CSPAN coverage, and without CSPAN, I was not able to subject myself to Monica Goodling. From what I gather, she has lied her head off, following the blame-Paul-McNulty script. Nobody, not even her own mother, would ever believe that "I can't remember" statement regarding the Iglesias firing.

Also, is it true what I've heard -- that she has taken the Fifth regarding Abramoff?

What a mistake to give her immunity! My God, wasn't there a proffer? At least we have good reason to suspect that this bitch has perjured herself. Everyone should go over every word with a magnifying glass -- and then let's use that glass to fry her.

By the way: The original Saint Monica of Hippo was the mother of St. Augustine. She is known for giving women trapped in bad marriages this advice: "If you master your tongue, you will be beaten less." Our present Monica has mastered her tongue, all right -- but will she escape punishment?

UPDATE: Christy Hardin Smith characterizes Florida Representative Tom Feeney as telling Monica: "You've been a huge disappointment to those hoping to find a grand conspiracy." As opposed to Feeney himself, who has been the gift that keeps giving. But now that I understand Goodling's immunity deal better, my feelings of disappointment this day are not nearly so pronounced as Feeney may think.

I wish every Republican who heard her dismissive view of the "caging" accusation could read this piece by Brad Friedman.

The Fundies ARE going to use this day to their advantage, in a big way. They just love, love, love to consider themselves persecuted -- and they consider themselves persecuted whenever anyone else objects to their persecution of others. Monica Goodling has a massively rewarding future ahead of her on the Jesus circuit.


m said...

the one wanting to take the fifth about the abramoff case is susan ralston.

Joy Tomme said...

And St. Monica's son, St. Augustine of Hippo, who was a totally degenerate and screwed anything warm, made up the concept of Original Sin out of whole cloth in the fourth century AD after he found God and decided everything wrong in his life and in the world was due to the "concupiscence" of women.

Monica Goodling is in good company.

Joy Tomme

Anonymous said...

This lady does not show " like a lawyer". Her whiny voice is extremely hard to listen to. She was coached and still basically took the fifth although her lips moved and she was actually in the room.