Thursday, May 03, 2007


Godly: Robert Koehler (the writer for the Tribune, not the film critic) gives a high recommendation to the new book With God on Their Side, by Michael Weinstein:
He documents a chilling phenomenon: The whole U.S. military, up and down the chain of command, is coming to be dominated by members of a small, characteristically intolerant sliver of Christianity who truly regard themselves as Christian soldiers, on a God-appointed mission to harvest souls and battle evil.

Weinstein, whose family tradition of national service is pretty impressive, does not do battle lightly with those who now run his alma mater. One of his sons is a recent graduate of the Air Force Academy and the other is still a cadet there. The fact that both of them endured anti-Semitic harassment initially spurred him to take action. But this goes deeper than disrespect for other faiths. The attitude he has encountered in his attempt to hold the institution, and the rest of the military, accountable smacks of a coup: "The Christian Taliban is running the Department of Defense," he told me. "It inundates everything."
The website for the Military Religious Freedom Foundation is here. Can you believe that this nation has reached a point where such a group has become necessary...?

Who killed Private Johnson? From the ABC News Politics as Usual Blog (the lack of capitalization is in the original):
army private lavena l. johnson was just 19 years old. she had been in iraq for only a few weeks before she was found dead at balad airbase on july 19, 2005. the army said she died of a "self-inflicted wound" but when her father identified her body he discovered she had a disfigured lip, was missing some teeth and looked like she had been in a fight. and then there was that phone call to her mother just a couple of days before her death. private lavena johnson was talking about coming home for christmas. something about her death just didn't add up. that's when her father, dr. john johnson, started asking questions and that is when the army stopped being helpful.
Purge: Monica Goodling, it seems, was screening new prosecutors to make sure they had the correct party affiliation. And Senator Patrick Leahy has issued a subpoena to Rove for all emails pertinent to the scandal:
Attached please find a subpoena compelling the Department by May 15 to produce any and all emails and attachments to emails to, from, or copied to Karl Rove related to the Committee’s investigation into the preservation of prosecutorial independence and the Department of Justice’s politicization of the hiring and firing and decision-making of United States Attorneys, from any (1) White House account, (2) Republican National Committee account, or (3) other account, in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Justice...
Good luck, Senator. They've already proven that they will give you only what they want you to have.

Brad Friedman has published some fantastic scoops lately -- not an unusual accomplishment for him. I particularly recommend the new piece on Rove's buddy Thor Hearne, the fake American Center for Voting Rights, and the mess in Missouri. The most recent article needs to be read in conjunction with this one.

On the Lam: Marcy Wheeler turns her exquisite investigative skills and attention to detail to the most controversial of the prosecutor firings. Here's a small sampling of Lam's testimony:
I requested additional time to ensure an orderly transition in the office, especially regarding pending investigations and several significant cases that were set to begin trial in the next few months. On January 5, 2007, I received a call from Michael Elston informing me that my request for more time based on case-related considerations was "not being received positively," and that I should "stop thinking in terms of the cases in the office." He insisted that I had to depart in a matter of weeks, not months, and that these instructions were "coming from the highest levels of the government."
The highest levels? Marcy Wheeler comments:
Now, if I remember my high school civics course, the "highest level of the government" is the President. Though, in this administration, you could argue compellingly that either Karl Rove or Dick Cheney occupies a higher post. Which begs the question, why was Karl Rove so intent on seeing Carol Lam out of office in weeks, not months? Why didn't Rove "receive positively" Lam's determination to see the cases she was working on in Janaury through to some kind of closure?
I'd remind the readers that the initial pay-off to Mitchell Wade came from Cheney's office. Wade went on to get all sorts of government contracts -- and to bribe Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham.

Final notes: If ever you're in Arleta, California, try a tiny down-home Mexican joint called Laura's. They serve up a plate of oysters in garlic sauce that could make the dead achieve orgasm.

I'll turn the comments back on soon, but if the cyberattacks resume, I'll have to turn 'em off again. And the trannies accuse me of censorship, simply because I insist on running my blog in my way...! One of the freaks who led the attack migrated to BradBlog, where he has "outed" yours truly as a CIA wolf in sheep's clothing. And I'd have gotten away with it too, if not for you meddling trannies!

Be sure to stop by tomorrow. We should have an important investigative piece by one hell of a guest writer.

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