Sunday, February 04, 2007

McCain commands the Swift Boat

John McCain, the almost-certain Republican nominee in 2008, proves once again that he is no longer a man worthy of respect. He has hired a bunch of attack ad specialists -- including the "Swift Boat" lie-mongers, as well as the creeps who created the infamous anti-McCain ads back in 2000.

We judge a man by his associates, and McCain now prefers to associate himself with demons. We have to make McCain's embrace of sleazeball politics into an issue.


Anonymous said...

One may safely assume Mr McCain sold his soul if he had one... to someone else.

Anonymous said...

I would have voted for McCain in
2000 if he'd been running. I
didn't vote for Gore.

I lost all respect for McCain when
I saw this picture

and I'll never vote for him now.

But maybe he hired the swiftboaters
so they wouldn't go to work for
somebody else? Keep your enemies
closer, as the saying goes?