Friday, January 12, 2007

Provoking a new war: Added notes (corrected)

From Robert Parry:
At a not-for-quotation pre-speech briefing on Jan. 10, George W. Bush and his top national security aides unnerved network anchors and other senior news executives with suggestions that a major confrontation with Iran is looming.

Commenting about the briefing on MSNBC after Bush’s nationwide address, NBC’s Washington bureau chief Tim Russert said “there’s a strong sense in the upper echelons of the White House that Iran is going to surface relatively quickly as a major issue – in the country and the world – in a very acute way.”...

“The President’s inference was this: that an entire region would blow up from the inside, the core being Iraq, from the inside out,” Williams said, paraphrasing Bush.
From a Daily Kos poster named hilage:
Five days ago I had dinner with one of the officers on a ship in one the carrier groups heading to the Gulf. He is an officer who has served at the Pentagon and spent time training at the War College. He is not a gung-ho type, rather he is the type of considered, intelligent officer who gives you hope for the military and pride in our country. Like all of us here and DKos he thinks the war is a huge mistake for many reasons. But during converstaion, the subject of casualties in Iraq came up and his wife began looking nervous so I said, "Well, at least Iraq has no Air Force." The officer turned to me with a look that suggested I was the dumbest person on the planet and said, very slowly and clearly, "Yes, but Iran does."
From Trita Parsi's important new piece for IPS, "Bush's Iraq Plan - Goading Iran into War" (thanks to Larisa):
While promising to "disrupt the attacks on our forces" and "seek out and destroy the networks providing advanced weaponry and training to our enemies in Iraq," he [Bush] made no mention of the flow of arms and funds to Sunni insurgents and al Qaeda from Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

Instead, he revealed the deployment of an additional carrier strike group to the Persian Gulf and of the Patriot anti-missile defence system to Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states to protect U.S. allies. The usefulness of this step for resolving the violence in Iraq remains a mystery. Neither the Sunni insurgents nor the Shia militias possess ballistic missiles. And if they did, nothing indicates that they would target the GCC states -- Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

The deployment of the Patriot missiles can be explained, however, in light of a U.S. plan to attack Iran. Last year, Tehran signalled the GCC states in unusually blunt language that it would retaliate against the Arab sheikhdoms if the U.S. attacked Iran using bases in the GCC countries.
Patriot defense missiles probably cannot protect against the new generation of Sunburn cruise missiles, which an easily take out that ship in the Persian Gulf on which the friend of "hilage" now serves.

The attack on the Iranian consulate, and the attempt to kidnap Iranians at the airport in Kurdistan, might well have provoked a missile attack on an American vessel. The result: Regional war -- World War III. Remember how the last war in Lebanon began? Israel prodded a perceived enemy into taking defensive measures, then claimed to the world that defense was really offense, thereby justifying invasion.

We all know how Israel's Lebanese misadventure ended.

I'm surprised this scenario has not played out already -- especially since there appears to be a faction within the Iranian leadership itself in league with the neocons.

What's your read on American opinion? If a Sunburn sinks the USS Eisenhower, will the public blame Bush -- or will the public's mood revert to "September 12, 2001" mode?

(Note: The original version of this piece mistakenly used the term "Sunfire" instead of Sunburn." For a frightening overview of this weapon, see this article -- which also explains why any American ship in the Persian Gulf is in an indefensible position.)


Anonymous said...

The usefulness of this step for resolving the violence in Iraq remains a mystery.

Funny how you didnt mention Israel one time.

Anonymous said...

oops, my bad. You mentioned 'israel's hezbullah venture.'

Anonymous said...

We have already done the major demonization required to have the public support attacking Iran.

The Democrats, in thrall to their Zionist contributors/controllers, have already picked staked out more hawkish positions on Iran than Dubya.

The pro-Zionist media is sure to line up as cheerleaders and willful propagandists.

This would be a slam dunk in public opinion against Iran except for the one wild card-- the great disrepute in which the public holds Dubya.

Anonymous said...

They will rightly blame Bush.

Miss P.

Joseph Cannon said...

I'm cynical. I'm thinking that if a missile (or something purported to be a missile) takes out the Eisenhower or another big boat, Bush's approval ratings will hit 70% or higher, the Dems will be understandably cowed into giving him whatever he asks for (thereby splitting the Dems), a new draft will be instituted, and 300,000 troops enter the region.

Anonymous said...

Bush will bear the blame at first then any country idiotic enough to do that will bear the blame also, which is appropriate. If the neoconservatives had advertised and hired the most absurd and, at the same time, threatening leader of Iran to justify aggression, they could not have found a greater candidate than the idiot in charge there right now. Holding a denier conference, good grief!!!

This is a rediculous situation. Cheney and Bush should both be indicted for their betrayal of the American people and it should happen soon. President Pelosi will do just fine.

Michael Collins

Anonymous said...

If Israel launches the initial attacks on Iran, using tactical nukes, it will draw international condemnation. Methinks it will also bring outraged demonstrations in US cities, especially if the US forces somehow participate in the attacks.

Those in the rallies will demand impeachments of Bush/Cheney, and war crimes trials of Olmert and his cabinet. Our government will crack down on the dissenters, and ultimately Bush will claim justification for declaring martial law. That's my guess.

In this chain of events, it is irrelevant if Bush's support jumps to 70%. President Johnson had considerable support for the Vietnam escalation, even after the Tet offensive. Even at the height of the anti-war demonstrations, only a third of Americans opposed that war.

Bush/Cheney/Rice are so deluded that they would rather drag us into WWIII than acknowledge they were wrong in invading Iraq.

Joseph Cannon said...

You're right, uni. If Israel nukes Iran, our ships are in a perfect position to become targets for a retaliatory strike. Indeed, well before the Eisenhower reached those waters, I felt that the only purpose it could serve there was to function as a martyr-boat.

Bush has intentionally placed our brave seamen in harm's way. He wants them to die so that he can have reason to send nukes flying and to secure the oil fields of Iran.

We can see it. The plan is obvious to anyone who is paying attention.

Anonymous said...

By the way, the scenario I offered solves the administration's other problem, which is losing control of the Congress. Because when Congress tries to intervene, Bush will simply suspend them, too. And the courts, as well.

I have said repeatedly that Bush and Cheney cannot allow the Dems to take charge of the various Congressional committees, with investigatory subpoena power. If martial law is now their intention, it is no wonder that Bush looked, as dr. elsewhere put it, "scared" during his surge speech. He is embarking on a coup for which the legal penalty is death.

Anonymous said...

I believe Bush wants more than anything to bomb Iran but I just do not see it happening. Someone will tie his hands prior to the actual event however, he is setting it all up now. You reckon Congress just doesn't understand Bush yet?> Or you reckon Congress wants war with Iran?>

Anonymous said...

i don't get it!
right now at this point in time not only is iraq on the brink but the very idea of american democracy is at risk of being subverted and i get the impression americans would rather do anything than address the issue.
Propaganda from the corporate whores and corrupt leaders too.
must we fiddle while rome burns as well?

Anonymous said...

I doubt that that BushCorp would enter into a confrontation with Iran without able defenses from the Sunburn or anything else that could be mustered. One could speculate that the Patriot Missiles will just be used as a cover for more exotic defense systems that will protect our ships, most likely satellite-based (that cannot be revealed at this time due to treaty or other concerns)(those black budgets and misplaced $3-4 billion must be going somewhere). Of course, one ship, probably not a carrier, may be sacraficed to get the whole thing going. Bush, of course, is just a puppet in this whole thing, and there are no doubt forces higher than Cheney calling the shots, or at least giving the go-ahead. When an Empire is potentially waning, drastic measures are called for: hail mary passes. And if martial law is necessary, we know they're ready and more than willing. Hopefully the Good Guys in the halls of power can make the right chess moves to prevent all this before Iran takes the bait and starts moving pieces. Of course if Israel fires a nuke, all bets are off. But would Israel do something that suicidal when there are still political solutions that haven't even been attempted?