Tuesday, January 23, 2007


FOX: Not long ago I suggested that truth-in-labeling laws should prevent FOX "News" from calling itself news. Now, Keith Olbermann has taken up more-or-less the same theme.

Subpoenas: You may recall that the San Diego U.S. attorney's office had a January, 11 deadline for documents related to Duke Cunningham's partners in corruption. That deadline has been extended. But leaders within the previous Congress seem to have dawdled in their response.

The National Intelligence Estimate: Apparently, it reveals that Maliki cannot do what Bush expects. That's why the report is being kept under wraps.

Health care: I liked Joy Tomme's summary of what we can expect from the SOTU address...
A plan to help states provide health care coverage to people who lack insurance by diverting federal aid from hospitals, especially public institutions.
The Libby trial: I expect to have a lot more soon on Libby's defense, which comes down to "I didn't do it, but if I did it, I was a scapegoat to protect Karl and Dick." I'm told, though, that FOX managed to avoid any mention of Dick Cheney in its coverage of the day's developments.

E Howard Hunt's death: Cover History (natch) highlights some intriguing non-answers from a Slate interview with Hunt...
Slate: I know there is a conspiracy theory saying that David Atlee Phillips—the Miami CIA station chief—was involved with the assassination of JFK.

Hunt: [Visibly uncomfortable] I have no comment...

Slate: And there were even conspiracy theories about you being in Dallas the day JFK was killed.

Hunt: No comment.
Hunt went to his grave saying LBJ diddit. I think Hunt was protecting the MONGOOSE team, even at this late date...

Brad Friedman seems to have failed in his effort to get the Democratic response to the State of the Union delivered in front of the Senate. But scroll down for a blockbuster piece on the high cost to Ohio of Kenneth Blackwell. Basically, Kenny the Kapo seems to have paid his cronies double at the end of the year. That's common practice in Europe, highly uncommon in a state government here in America.


Anonymous said...

I read some other blogs (especially, ones you recommend), but I have to say that I always come back to you as the final word.

Anonymous said...

Mind you, anonymous, you do get around...