Thursday, November 02, 2006

Should I out ANOTHER pol...?

The news about evangelical pastor Ted Haggard, opponent of homosexual rights, and the gay male escort (see dr. elsewhere's post below) made me smile. Not a Bushian smirk, but smileage did occur. I think we enjoy tales of this sort for two reasons:

1. The Jesus voters exist in a parallel universe filled with Jesus TV, Jesus books, Jesus music, Jesus art, Jesus laundromats, and so forth. I appreciate any event which forces a collision between Jesusworld and the real world.

2. The only issues understood by Jesus voters are below-the-waist issues. As Alan Watts once observed, modern Christianity is little more than a sexual regulation society. If the Republicans didn't play to fears about gays and abortion, they'd be down to 10% of the electorate.

Which is why I've been dying to write a post about a similar matter. A certain letter popped into my email some days ago. According to this missive, a certain very powerful Republican congressman has been known to use rent-a-lad services, just as Pastor Haggard allegedly has done.

Or so I was told.

My correspondent was not, I should stress, one of these Gannon-esque professionals, although the letter-writer did have a relationship with the pol in question. My correspondent was young, but not quite young enough to breach legality.

I've hesitated to discuss this claim in public because my source refuses to go on the record. I don't even know his name. Nevertheless, I tend to believe what he has told me. I also believe him when he tells me that he was threatened by one of the congressman's aides.

Thus, I will not name the very powerful congressman in question. Suffice it to say that his name may have popped up in previous posts published by this blog.

Hint: Sibel. Hint: Wife -- hotel room.

At one time, I would never have mentioned such things in public. Let the private remain private; what others do with their genitalia is none of my concern. But -- as I may have mentioned on a previous occasion -- when congressman McHenry, using inane and evidence-free arguments, tried to blame the Foley scandal on the Democrats, I got really pissed off, and my conception of the permitted became more elastic.

Besides, having an aide threaten a young man in order to insure silence is way out of line.


Anonymous said...

denny boy? why, i'm shocked, i tell you; SHOCKED!!

Joseph Cannon said...

Don't jump to conclusions. I haven't named the congressman. I would not want to be Stokke with legal troubles.

Anonymous said...

He's a freaking high school WRASTLING coach... Probably more into the Turkish style.

Corrupt, gay and republican is not way to go through life, son.

Anonymous said...

What can you say? Some guys like to stokke it to other guys. Wonder if Denny enjoys the 3 stooges? Larry is my favorite.

Kim in PA

Anonymous said...

check out wayne madsen report (.com).

he outs george allen, santorum, talent, hatch (!?!), and several others.

could be an interesting weekend, no?

Anonymous said...

My former Roommate was a fundie, and we always were getting political/religious hate-mail from Ted Haggard, so I have a particular dislike for him.
I also watched McHenry on Hardball with Matthews. As a law student, I was incredulous when he demanded that Chris Matthews produce evidence that they Democrats were not behind the Foley scandal.
Unfortunately, McHenry is only 32, and in one of the safest GOP seats in the country. Without a scandal, we could be stuck looking at that smug piece of shit for years. Can he be involved in a gay hooker or something too?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, McHenry is a piece of garbage. I cant believe that guy got elected. The first time I heard him speak on the floor, which as Tabibbi says in his cover-piece for Roling Stone, all thats on C-Span is just for show. Stil, it was McHenry that tried to spotlight himself in the baseball/steroids scandal and has proteced and defended everyone from Tom Delay, Tom Santos, and now Foley. What are is he from cuz they must be the more ignorant people in the country.

Anonymous said...

I don't think they get any gayer than Hatch or Stevens. Just my opinion, of course.

Kim in PA

Anonymous said...

To quote from Madsen's post today, here is the list of members of Congress he claims are closeted gays:

The closeted homosexuality of Allen as an issue of hypocrisy of top GOP leaders is sure to affect turnout and support by Christian fundamentalists in downstate Virginia, thus boosting the chances of Democratic candidate Jim Webb. Similar allegations of hypocrisy also surround Florida gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist, Pennsylvania Rep. Phil English, California Rep. David Dreier, North Carolina Rep. Patrick McHenry, Louisiana Rep. Jim McCrery, California Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, Idaho Senator Larry Craig, and Utah Senator Orrin Hatch.

Notice, the list includes McHenry. Now, if Wayne or others with the purported knowledge will just come forward with information to substantiate those claims (before Nov. 7 preferably) ....

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that the only substantive thing I have to post here in response to these comments is...Hatch? Who made that mistake?

Anonymous said...

This is HYPOCALYPSE hypocrtical: so hypocritical it can only be a sign of the apocalypse!

Barking Up Trees said...

out the fucker already... !!

clif said...

Hint: Sibel. Hint: Wife -- hotel room.

Monday, October 23, 2006
Hastert and Sibel

This is turning into one of those days when all my posts tell you to go read other bloggers. But you cannot count yourself truly educated about current affairs if you don't read lukery's latest on Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert.

Right now, quite a few people know that Hastert covered up for Mark Foley. An increasing number are learning that Hastert lives with another man while making his "wife" sleep in a hotel, even on Valentine's Day. Although those stories demand telling (if we want to win, we're going to need to take the "limbic" approach, as Billmon calls it), they do not constitute the real news..............

nuff said.

gary said...

I don't think Joseph should be pressure to name the Congressman. However, don't miss my post today:

Blogger Joseph Cannon Outs Dennis Hastert

Anonymous said...

Does Sibel's allegations have anything to do with foreign governments blackmailing closeted gay politicians?

lukery said...

"Does Sibel's allegations have anything to do with foreign governments blackmailing closeted gay politicians?"

nope. she's never made that specific claim.