Weller, he said, flatly denied any such thing had ever happened, couldn’t understand why the rumors were flying around and insisted that nothing would ever come of it.The reliable CrimeBlog has a good summary of what we know so far. Weller is indeed a scoundrel (at least by my lights), but the page story remains unproven.
The spokesman called back a half hour later or so and said the office now believes that the rumor began when reports surfaced that “one of our pages or interns was hit on by another congressman,” and then morphed from there.
So, the rumors that Weller is holed up somewhere and is “about to resign any minute” don’t appear to be true. The rumors that he is being pressed to resign by House GOP leadership also don’t appear to be true. The page rumor itself seems unsubstantiated at best and malicious at worst. There was even a rumor posted on some blogs that Weller had pulled his campaign website offline this week. Not true.
Some have floated the idea that the rumor functions as part of a Rovian mega-conspiracy: By drawing attention to a false claim, one could -- theoretically -- discredit the real ones. Such tactics have worked in the past, but I just don't see that scenario playing out in this case. Bloggers who have mentioned the rumor have tended to offer a caveat emphasizing the unverified nature of the claim. If Karl came up with a fake tale, surely he would have come up with something more salacious...?

Right now, I would not bet the rent money on the Weller-and-the-page story. I might, however, bet the pizza money.
(Not that it matters, but there's an old episode of Dharma and Greg in which Dharma gets vengeance on a sleazy developer who, among other sins, makes crude sexual advances toward her. Something about Weller's look reminds me of that creep.)
This is tricky, the information is all over the place.
isnt helping much:
RUMOR ALERT. Former Clerk of the House Jeff Trandahl has told the House ethics committee about two Republican House members who had sex with congressional pages, and neither man is page-chaser Mark Foley. That's the rumor circulating in Washington. One of these Republicans supposedly had sex with a male page; one with a female page. The names of the implicated Republicans are on the rumor-mill, but I'm not going to disclose these identities
doh, screwed up the tags, sorry.
Yeah so I've posted 3 comments in a row.. I'll try and put it all in one next time around, haha.
Anyways.. now that I look at it the Weller statement says alot. Im not going to guess about his guilt, but heres my thoughts:
"one of our pages or interns was hit on by another congressman,”
does confirm that there is another congressman out there hitting on pages (Foleys page was out of Louisiana, and Kolbes from Arizona (correct me if im wrong).
According to Corns 'rumor' the House Members names are already on the rumor mill and that one page is male and one is female. If you take his info and leave out Foley then what you have left is Kolbe's pages, which would be the male. That leaves the female page and the only other House members name onthe 'rumor-mill' would be.... Weller.
LD, you are welcome to post here as many times in a row as you please.
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