Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Bush in Paraguay (Update)

Wonkette, of all sites, has a superb rundown of a story we first told a few days ago: Bush the elder has purchased nearly a hundred thousand acres in northern Paraguay, apparently adjacent to, or carved from, the 1,482,600 acres (!!!) owned by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, the Bush family's most notorious friend. Regarding the latter spread, this story (brought to my attention by a reader) is a must-read:
Nevertheless, national Senator Domingo Laino sees a different pattern in Moon's acquisitions. "There are two principal branches to Moon's interest in Paraguay," he said, "control of the largest fresh drinking water source in the world and control of the narcotics business", which is so prevalent in this area.
(Emphasis added.) Y'think Poppy and Dubya want a piece of the action?

UPDATE: Turns out there may be oil there...


LieparDestin said...

I sent you an email Joseph. Oddly enough theres a coincidental (but flimsy) relationship between it and this post.

Anonymous said...

Bush Jr. effectively destroys our constitutional system, denying the most rudimentary legal protections to citizens and non-citizens alike, 800 years of jurisprudence down the drain, while Daddy is evidently in partnership with a fabulously wealthy criminal cult leader.

Where the f*** is the MSM, these self-appointed guardians of the public order?

What needs to happen in this country, before these dicks report that the country has been taken over by criminals and sociopaths?

Anonymous said...

I remember reading about U.S. troops going into Paraguay a cpl years ago. I wonder why our millitary has been doing operations in Paraguay! Can this be related?