Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Vote notes: Ohio was even stranger than you thought (NEW INFO!)

Breaking: The House now has its own version of the emergency paper ballot act, sponsored by Rush Holt of New Jersey. And John Kerry has become yet another co-sponsor of the senate version. CALL YOUR SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVE NOW! Congress has only a couple of days to pass these bills. If they pass, an honest vote in November may place subpoena power in Democratic hands.

Poll this. Michael Collins reports on a Zogby poll which indicates that only 45% of the American citizenry feels "very confident" that George Bush won the 2004 vote fair and square. The bad news: 20% still feel "somewhat confident."

When you consider the average person's traditional unwillingness to confess the emperor's nudity, these are remarkable numbers. Zogby's findings indicate that the efforts of numerous writers and activists have borne fruit.

But not enough fruit. We need to get the truth into more noggins. How to accomplish that goal? Publicize the following story...

Amazing news from Ohio! Let's let Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman tell it:
Ohio election protection activists have won a landmark court battle to preserve the ballots from 2004’s disputed presidential election, and researchers studying those ballots continue to find new evidence that the election was, indeed, stolen. Among other things, large numbers of consecutive votes in different precincts for George W. Bush make it appear ever more likely that the real winner in 2004 should have been John Kerry. Meanwhile, indictments and prison terms are mounting among key players in that tainted contest.
That's just the teaser. Dig:
So far, even the limited inspection of ballots has yielded astonishing results. Three precincts in two counties have shown consecutive runs of Bush votes that qualify as “virtual statistical impossibilities.”

* In Delaware County, Precinct Genoa I, researcher Stuart Wright viewed and recounted 3 separate bundles of ballots. In the second bundle, there were 274 consecutive ballots for Bush. In the third bundle there were 359 consecutive ballots for Bush. Genoa I was not one of the four precincts recounted as part of a required official recount, conducted on December 15, 2004.

* In Delaware County, BOE officials told Phillips that after the votes were cast on Election Day, ballots were unloaded by a team of teenage volunteers including the Boy Scouts who carried them into the BOE building where they were then given to a "mentally retarded man" who scraped the chads off the punch card ballots. Dr. Phillips estimates that the "mentally retarded man" would have had to scrape four or five ballots per second on election night in order to comply with the posting of the results at 12:40am for the nearly 80,000 ballots cast there.

* In Delaware County, Ross Township precinct, Philips has discovered that the BOE certified that 70% of the ballots cast for C. Ellen Connally, an African-American woman from Cleveland running for the Ohio Supreme Court, were also counted for Bush. The implausibility of this outcome in a white, Republican suburb is underscored by the fact that Connally trailed both Bush and Kerry very substantially throughout the rest of the state. Some 60% of the Township’s ballots opposing a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage (which passed substantially) also were punched for Bush, an extremely implausible outcome widely branded as the “Gays for Bush” anomaly.

* In Butler County, Phillips found that in Monroe City precinct 4CA, Bush received 52 consecutive votes near the start of voting, and then another run of 212 consecutive votes.
Folks, we've just begun. Ponder this anomaly:
In Clermont County, which contributed significantly to Bush’s margin of victory, researcher Dr. Ronald Baiman discovered a suspicious use of replacement ballots, that are meant to be issued only if a regular ballot is somehow spoiled by a voter. In a random draw of one ballot from each of the 192 precincts, against huge odds, Baiman found a replacement ballot. Baiman asked that the next ballot from the precinct be drawn and it, too, was a replacement ballot. Continuing pulling ballots from that same precinct, Baiman witnessed 36 straight replacement ballots in a row, a virtual statistical impossibility. Dr. Philips recorded only five spoiled ballots in this same precinct, raising the question of where the other 31 replacement ballots came from.
There much more; go here.

Stealing America. Dorothy Fadiman has made a new film about the 2004 vote theft in Ohio, and I've read very good things about it. The film features interviews with RFK Jr. You can buy it for -- get this -- five bucks. Go here.

REMINDER: Have you contacted your senators and congressfolk to insist that they pass the Confidence in Vote Act? A mere thousand of you could make the difference. CALL OR EMAIL NOW!


Anonymous said...

The question is, will these results ever be reported in the MSM?

The information, on its face, is staggering, and simple enough even for Americans to understand -- in effect, flipping a coin, and getting (in Ohio) "tails" a few hundred times in a row. GWB may be pissing with impunity on 800 years of habeas corpus, but even he can't alter the laws of probability.

Alas, it will never come to the fore, without a great deal of pressure, and our friends the Democrats won't touch it....

They'll tell us to get over it -- what difference does a disastrous invasion, a felonious executive branch and a bankrupt treasury make? It's everyone's patriotic duty to keep quiet. Otherwise the Fortune 500 might be upset.

Anonymous said...

Oh goody!

More false hope for the suckers that the American Way really does work after all and justice, freedom, and liberty shall prevail!

Dear Lord let us fervently pray that all the votes will be fairly and justly counted in the race to elect the next elitist warmongering corporate stooge!

Anonymous said...

hm. well, for one at least, i find tremendous encouragement with this info, or should i say rather that i find comfort that it is coming to light.

of course, the msm will not focus on it, but then fewer and fewer folks get their news from those sources. take some heart in the fact that bush's polls have been in the 30s for over a year and a half despite the msm singing his songs.

we all know ohio was a sham, but the truth coming out will allow us to shout from the rooftops this undeniable fact:

Anonymous said...

Breaking: The House now has its own version of the emergency paper ballot act, sponsored by Rush Holt of New Jersey. And John Kerry has become yet another co-sponsor of the senate version.

I haven't followed the whole vote fraud issue that closely, but does John Kerry endorse the idea that Bush won the 2004 race via vote fraud? If not, doesn't that suggest that either there was no vote fraud or that Kerry voluntarily took a dive (a dive which may or may not have involved vote fraud)?

Anonymous said...

9/11 curious, forgive me, but i can see no logic in your question. how would it follow from the premise that if kerry does not believe there was fraud in 04, then either there was no fraud or he took a dive???

the fact or fallacy of fraud in 04 is independent of kerry's opinion about it. concluding that he took a dive from presumptions about his opinion also fails any logical standard.

but, for the record, mark crispin miller insists that kerry agreed with him that ohio was stolen, but then denied it publicly for obvious political - and possibly legal (as in slander suits) - reasons, understandably so.

though we all know that there is just so much incriminating evidence out there for fraud (and you might find this fraud far more interesting and far more important for our democracy than 9/11 scandals), it is so scattered and dispersed that it is still very hard to accuse anyone of conspiracy.

but fortunately, the fitrakis and friedman investigations keep plugging along with increasingly startling exposures.

Anonymous said...

the fact or fallacy of fraud in 04 is independent of kerry's opinion about it.

Yes, obviously this is true in a strict sense, however it seems extremely unlikely that Kerry was cheated of the presidency by voter fraud and yet has no apparent interest this issue.

but, for the record, mark crispin miller insists that kerry agreed with him that ohio was stolen, but then denied it publicly for obvious political - and possibly legal (as in slander suits) - reasons, understandably so.

If true, I'm not sure why this is understandable. If Kerry wanted to force the issue, he could. As noted in this blog post, there's quite a substantial grassroots movement to back him up, so why not run with it? Why not at least push for an investigation?

though we all know that there is just so much incriminating evidence out there for fraud

Okay, what's the best summary of the most damning claims made that you know of? The few times I have briefly looked into this matter I haven't found much of any substance (although I do agree that we should be aware of the possibility and insist on ballots with a paper trail and all that).