Monday, September 25, 2006

Thoughts on the Clinton video

1. On CNN Reliable Sources, Roger Simon said these words about Fox's Chris Wallace: "I think Chris Wallace was simply acting like a newsman." For those of us who still recall the distinction between "like" and "as," this admission is pretty hilarious.

2. Drudge links to a YouTube clip of the Clinton/Wallace interview. Whoever placed the clip there included this headline: "Bill Clinton Blames Others For 911." Those filthy lying rightists just never stop, do they?

3. If Clinton fights back against Goebbels-esque pseudo-journalists (or GEPJOS), those same GEPJOS will accuse him of having rage issues. You can't win. These guys remind me of an old Matt Goening cartoon of the Boss From Hell shouting "How DARE you duck when I throw things at you?"

4. In a sense, I do blame Clinton. He should not have been there. You do not visit Hell and then complain about the heat.

In the brief existence of this blog, I've received a number of invitations for free books and film screenings, always from companies controlled by Rupert Murdoch. Apparently, they do this throughout Blogostan Left in order to scoop up addresses of Bush opponents, which will facillitate the round-up after Big Wedding II. (Now you know why Harper Collins published an anti-Bush book in 2004.) Intelligent progressive writers decline all such invites because we shun Rupert and all his works.

Why don't leading Democrats and others of good faith do likewise? Why doesn't, say, Howard Dean loudly call on all Democrats to shun any Murdoch propaganda organ? These GEPJOS are not human beings. Every single propagandist who receives a Murdoch paycheck is a demon. And the current Clinton episode proves that these demons can spin anything to their advantage.


Anonymous said...

Could Rupert Murdoch just DIE already? In fact, I thought he had died. HOW IS HE NOT DEAD YET??

Blech. For some, the Reaper cannot come any quicker.

Anonymous said...

"3. If Clinton fights back against Goebbels-esque pseudo-journalists"
-> ""Goebbels-esque" +
-> So what would be "Goebbelism" ?
"Goebbelism" really is nothing but "Berneys-ism".
Berneys Edward L.,nephew of Sigmund Freud. Father of spin and PROPAGANDA.
-No, he refused to work for Mussolini, who asked him for it.
But Goebbels was a great fan of him and studied all of his works - and applied the technics.
Social engineering through propaganda-technics.
Freudian brainwashing-in its possibly progressive version- versus mass-manipulation.
Together with the Rockefeller, Ford, Woolworth, IG Farben +,+,+,..General Motors etc.. funding of industries on the white board that the devasted Germany presented. Industrially as well as socially.
- in order to garanty profits.
How this works we can learn by viewing "The Century of the Self."BBC, availiable in the Internet
So please, everybody, stop putting the blame on that on the Göbbels-Political-and-otherwise-Bastard.
it's important to Dig : Bernays, Edward L. is the Father of spin, author of "Propaganda",1928.Not Göbbels.He cloned it.
And this one is only fusing the old, Jesuit-tecnics with the marxist "the battle is all about the human consciousnesses". - Which ideally means a huge jump
in human evolution, whre until then-and now- the cutting of of heads was the common understanding of how to convince the ennemy.
The fascists in Gwrmany, at the time, applied the same tecnics in mind control as did and do the american corporations and as did the amerikan government, and as did the Bankers and industrialists within and without Jewish Zionist Organistaion. Is this an anti-semitic observation?
It was modern then, and up-to-date. Public relations. Not "Göbbels-relations".
It came as an extra-profit, that in the combination with a lot of money, it was more attractive to the masse, clean, with "Gulaschkanone".
It was an easy to use tool, when they simply copied the communist "Propaganda of Practise" and presented that as a show.
Masses got split and submitted. The rest were bound to the camps.
And that is what we are WHATCHING now.

Joseph Cannon said...

I should mention here that Adam Curtis' "The Century of the Self" was the predecessor to the required-viewing documentary "The Power of Nightmares." You can find all four parts of the earlier work here:

That said, I very much doubt that Curtis would want any of us to say one exculpatory word on Goebbel's behalf.