All right. You say your eyes glaze over when you see all that legal stuff? You say you want something sexier? Happy to provide.
Covert History directs our attention to an intriguing tale told over on MilitaryCorruption.com. It seems an Air Force Major named Kevin Furlong has complained that his "young sexy wife" -- do I have your attention? -- has had affairs with several officers...
...including the bald, "Yoda-like" 61 year-old, one-time boss of the National Security Agency (NSA), Gen. Michael T. Hayden."A sexy young woman who dates only officers? Old and homely officers? Either we're talking about a very rare fetish, or we're talking about something that goes beyond conventional adultery. If this story has any truth (and it does come from a named source), then I doubt that she met these guys in AOL chat rooms.
"She admitted to me she'd had sex with Hayden, among others," Furlong told MilitaryCorruption.com via telephone from his home somewhere in Texas.
Surely I'm not the only one who suspects that payment may have changed hands...? If so, then we head right back into the same territory explored by the Wilkes/Wade/Goss crowd at the Watergate.
Not only that. Wot is It Good 4 asks us to give a listen to this fine audio interview with Raw Story's Larisa Alexandrovna. She reveals that Porter Goss was involved with yet another prostitution ring. That's right: One spook, double hooker scandals! Not only that: One or both of these rings involved female and male hookers.
"This is going to make Monica-gate look like romper room," Alexandrovna says of hooker operation number two. She also confirms that these rings existed for the purposes of blackmail. Maybe that explains why the Republicans maintain such discipline, and why some Dems refuse to function as members of an opposition party.
well, if it is just this sexy young wife's word, that story may not get very far.
but as for the strange fetish, don't you know about the female counterpart to the fact that men go for visual beauty? supposedly, women are more attracted to power. makes biological sense, alpha males and all that.
wasn't it kissinger - a homelier man i have never been able to find - who said that power is the best aphrodisiac?
Well, he did get close to Jill St. John. On the other hand, poor Dick achieved the pinnacle of power, yet it seems that he couldn't even score with that Asian babe -- can't recall the name -- who caught his eye.
Will the tale of the alleged Hayden affair go far? I dunno. Ast hings stand, I can't see a compelling reason for Furlong to lie -- I mean, what guy would BRAG about being cuckolded?
jeeze, joe, you did it again! cropped that drawing, didn't you!
I HAVE to, uni. Otherwise jen will rap my nose with a rolled-up newspaper.
And I'm pretty sure I KNOW that girl!
Joseph, you must check out: http://www.captainamerika.net/
Apparently not all links are work friendly.
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