Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Left eye open, right eye blind

So let me get this straight: Dick Cheney shoots a guy, refuses to accompany his victim to the hospital, and refuses to speak to a sheriff or any other outsiders for 15-or-so hours, by which point there is no way to determine objectively whether or not he was shnockered at the time of the incident.

None of which bothers our right-wing friends.

More recently, House member Cynthia McKinney, unrecognized by a Capitol Hill policeman, is grabbed from behind. She whirls around and either slaps the man or pokes him or pushes back; accounts differ. In fact, accounts differ to a suspicious degree: In one version, she whacks him with a cell phone. Sean Hannity says she punched the cop. I'm looking forward to the variant where she takes out her bullwhip and starts tossing ninja stars. In all versions, the bottom line is the same: It was okay for the cop not to recognize her, but unforgivable for her not to have known that the guy grabbing her from behind was a cop.

And that incident, according to our right-wing friends, constitutes an offense to God and man.

McKinney claims that this scuffle amounts to racial profiling. I cannot agree. She was singled out not for her race, but for her stance on 9/11. I suspect that Rovian forces, knowing that she was touchy about having to identify herself, decided to stage one of those diversionary melodramas they love so well. If she were a right-wing Republican politician, the Capitol Hill police would have been instructed to toss flower petals ahead of her wherever she walked.

Check out Sean Hannity's response (by way of Bradblog): Hannity accuses her defenders of being people who "weren't even there." Vas you dere, Seanie?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man, I wish I were Dick Cheney.