Monday, February 27, 2006

A game of 21

Did we say the UAE was poised to take over six American ports? Make that 21. Also note that the notorious A.Q. Khan "used warehouses near the Dubai port as a key transit point for many of his shipments" of nuclear materials. Of course, the fact that I consider these points noteworthy means that I must be a nasty old racist...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Also note that the notorious A.Q. Khan [..] of course, the fact that I consider these points noteworthy means that I must be a nasty old racist...

Yes you must be. A.Q. Khan built his bomb with the help of his old college buddy Henk Slebos (from Delft University), who half a year ago snarkily declared on Dutch T.V. that apart from him Dutch companies like Stork and Philips were just too happy to deliver stuff. With other European companies.

Slebos worded motivation of supporting Khan was simple, that even back then he wouldn't agree with the world wide double standards concerning the possesion of nuclear weapons. A bit like the situation with Iran now.

So now you know which country to target without becoming a racist.