But they still treat this company as though it were something real. Not a single mainstream reporter has scrutinized those web sites and reported on the obvious signs of fakery.
No reporters -- and, for that matter, no procurement officers at the Pentagon -- bothered to do any checking at the patent office. If they had, they would have found that there are no patents covering the "proprietary" designs and innovative equipment advertised by the many ADCS subsidiary firms.
The truth: Wilkes was a mechanism by which public funds earmarked for national defense were funneled to G.O.P. candidates and causes.
Want proof?

Defense contracts are a matter of public record. A reader named John Dean (no, not the Watergate-related John Dean) has been going through some of the records related to Wilkes -- a job which ought to be done by congressional investigators. On one form, the given address does not relate to the massive Wilkes complex on Stowe Avenue in Poway. Instead, the address is 15092 Avenue of Science, San Diego CA 92128.
That, we are told, is the address of a defense firm called Mirror Labs, allegedly a leading firm in the field of testing military equipment. They are referenced in this edition of the Homeland Defense Journal. Their website, we are told, is www.mirrorlabs.com.
That URL goes nowhere. Google has no cache of anything ever being there.
However, this archive page reveals that they once did have a site up, from 2001 to early 2004, at which point the firm, such as it was, seems to have become defunct. The web pages speak of a company with branches in Virigina and Panama. But the only satisfied customers mentioned are a couple of small-ish private companies (real companies) who had some software beta-tested. Google presents no external evidence that a San Diego company named Mirror Labs has ever done anything related to defense, or that it had Virginia and Panama branches.
(Update: A background check on www.mirrorlabs.com shows that the URL address was registered by Group W Media, Wilkes' fake ad agency. The listed administrative contact is PerfectWave Techonologies, another fake company.)
I believe that, for all practical purposes, there is no Mirror Labs, although a firm by that name may well have performed an actual service at one time. So where did the money go? When that nice fat check filled with taxpayer dollars was sent to 15092 Avenue of Science, who opened it? And what did they do with the money?
Here is the organization that really has -- or had -- offices at that address: ADCS PAC. That's where the money went.
Apparently, Wilkes felt queasy about housing his PAC at the same address as ADCS proper, so he set up a small office in a San Diego business park. Someone must have put down the wrong address on one of the applications.
So which candidates got chunks of that taxpayer money earmarked for "defense"?
Henry Bonilla, Roy Brown, Rick Clayburgh, Duke Cunningham (of course!), John T. Doolittle, Maria Guadalupe Garcia, George W. Gekas, Lindsay Graham, Duncan Hunter, Darrell Issa, Samuel Johnson, Thaddeus G. McCotter, Constance Morella, Devin Nune, Steve Pearce, Bill Van de Weghe Jr., Jerry Weller.
All Republicans, of course. As the scandal unfolds, the pundits will try to convince us that "both sides do it." That simply is not true.

By keeping the donations small, and by maintaining the illusion that the donors are numerous, the conspirators could line many a pocket with relative safety. Clever, eh?
Other recipients of Wilkes' largesse: President Bush, Katherine Harris, Tom Delay, Virgil Goode Jr. and Elizabeth Dole -- whose husband, as you may recall from yesterday's post, lent his name to Reverend Moon's "stamp out the cross" crusade. Talk about being on the Dole!
Did all these pols understand the ultimate source of the funds? Perhaps not. However, we know that Duncan Hunter -- chairman of the House Armed Services Committee -- was a big ADCS pusher:
Since 1994, Wilkes and ADCS gave $40,700 in campaign contributions to Rep. Duncan Hunter, a San Diego Republican who now chairs the House Armed Services Committee. Hunter has acknowledged that he joined with Cunningham in 1999 to contact Pentagon officials who reversed a decision and gave ADCS one of its first big contracts, for nearly $10 million." (USA Today, 11/29/05)And then there's Republican Appropriations Committee Chairman Jerry Lewis, who ordered continued funding of ADCS even after the DOD raised objections.
Obviously, Hunter and Lewis must go under the microscope. Even so, you're missing the point if you waste much time castigating the above-named politicians for receiving the money. What is significant is the device itself -- using "false fronts" to translate IRS-collected revenues into Republican campaign commercials.
Much evidence indicates that Wilkes is but one of many villains involved with such schemes.
I rarely beg my readers, but in this case I must: Please get the word out. This type of investigative work should not be left to the likes of me (or John Dean, or Daniel Hopsicker). Someone in the major media -- or Congress, or the Justice Department -- must investigate.
This scandal could and should be bigger than Plamegate
Who is the "inside man" in the Pentagon? I cannot believe that checks went to Wilkes based purely on the say-so of Duke Cunningham or the other bribed pols. Someone in the Pentagon's procurement offices must be signing off on these expenditures. If investigators identify the person or persons involved, then this conspiracy can be blown wide open.

Another oddity: According to Dean, on each ADCS form -- whatever the year -- the company is listed as having 130 employees and annual revenues of "$13,345,9." (Yes, that is the figure given.) These numbers, I am told, never vary.
On the MZM front: Is the other company that bribed Cunningham real or fake? What, precisely, do they do?
Ah, there's the rub: We're dealing with black budget stuff. We're not supposed to know what they do. Alas, in such a world we cannot easily know if they do...anything.
MZM, run by Mitchell Wade -- a longtime member of the Wilkes/Cunningham "posse" -- began life in the early 1990s. Yet during most of the ensuing years, it made little impact on the world. As a "defense and intelligence" firm, it seems to have sprung from nothing in 2002, like a Rambo-ized Venus from the brow of Ares.

Their line of work? Surprisingly enough -- it's a law firm!
When the firm began life in 1993, Wade and Cornelison -- the only names connected with the place -- were "business consultants."
More recently, MZM originated a 501(c)3 nonprofit called the "Sure Foundation" -- allegedly an organization devoted to refugee aid -- which shares the same address. The address was also used by the front company which purchased Cunningham's home at an inflated price.
The Sure Foundation website (the contents of which are quoted here) used to refer to MZM as its "first corporate sponsor." MZM's line of work has changed once more: Now they provide "data warehousing and information technology consulting services to both governmental and non-governmental entities."
That description may be literally true, if we presume that they kept a few floppy disks or notebooks hanging around the office.
So far, I've seen no evidence that the Sure Foundation actually transferred monies to starving refugees. However, we do know that MZM did distribute funds to certain "needy" individuals: Republican politicians.

The PAC now lists roughly 100 names. A close scan of the names indicates that wives and children were recruited to the cause -- the cause being, of course, donations to G.O.P. candidates. (One of the named donors is "Joe Dollar." That can't be real -- can it?) Nearly all the donors are listed as employees of MZM Inc., and many have grandiose titles -- Chairman of this, VP of that.
MZM employees, we learn, were told they had to make the donations or be fired. I believe there are laws against that sort of thing.
Frankly, I'm not at all sure how MZM transformed itself from a two-man law office (I'm picturing a Republican version of Daredevil's Nelson and Murdoch) into a go-go defense and intelligence firm.
For that, it would seem, is the final incarnation of MZM. According to the Center for Public Integrity,
MZM Inc. is a high-tech national security firm based in Washington, D.C. The private firm provides intelligence gathering, technology and homeland security analysis and consulting for both international and domestic governments and private-sector clients. The firm also provides consulting on political and public message strategies. Its government clients include Congress, the White House, the Defense Department, the U.S. intelligence community, the Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force and state and local governments, according to the company's Web site. MZM refused to provide any information, however, about its corporate structure, including names of other principals.At least we are given some indication of what the firm actually does. The data page goes on to name a number of individuals involved with this work -- intelligence analysts, generals, the kind of people whom we would expect to be involved with such an enterprise. Cornelison seems to have disappeared.
In addition to its D.C. headquarters, MZM has field offices in Miami, Tampa, San Antonio, San Diego and Suffolk, Va. The company employs about 70 people.
Following the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, MZM expanded its counterintelligence and national security efforts. It soon experienced an influx of government contracts. The company now predicts a growth rate of more than 35 percent in the 2003 fiscal year. Mitchell Wade, president and CEO, reportedly expects to increase sales from $25 million to $120 million and to hire 230 more employees over the next five years. Wade told the Richmond Times-Dispatch that recently the company has "come out of a flat period" with defense industry contracts.
In September 2003, MZM collaborated with 16 other organizations, called the General Dynamics team, as part of a five-year, $252 million contract to provide engineering and information warfare services to the Air Force Information Warfare Center at Lackland Airforce Base in Texas.
In November 2002, MZM opened a computer center in Charlottesville, Va., to house classified engineering intelligence in a digital mapping and architecture analysis system. Twelve employees in that office are developing the program for the Pentagon. It is designed to provide digital maps of thousands of buildings worldwide. The Richmond Times-Dispatch reported that the mapping system will help soldiers and planners know details of buildings -- even which way doors open and close.
But how much of this data is on the level? One would think that so august a firm would have a web site. However, the listed URL -- www.mzinc.com -- is blank, as is Google's cache for that page. Interestingly, Dean found an MZM contract with the DOD dated February 13, 2003 in which MZM states that it has zero employees and zero revenue. The contract is for a mere $12,740,000.

The Center for Public Integrity is trustworthy, but they can only relate what they've been told -- and at this point, who can be sure if a company like MZM is telling the truth? Obviously, Wade's creation (unlike many of the Wilkes pseudocompanies) does actual work for the military/intelligence complex; as we've seen, they've even provided office furniture for the White House. Even so, we must still ask: How and why did Wade's tiny firm suddenly grow like Topsy? Who is Mitchell Wade? Is he a lawyer, a businessman, a spook, or...what?
Which brings us to the larger question surrounding these out-of-nowhere defense firms: How much of this stuff is real?
Get this man a pulitzer!
I posted a diary @ http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/12/3/204731/868 refering people here and discussing the subject some more. Intersting comments from people who live in the area. Wilkes and his wife each donated 20+ thousand to Arnolds campaign. Dont remember seeing if any of that was returned.
Also ran across 15,000 dollars worth of contributions to Arnold from Max Gelwix, listed as manager of Group W and founder of PerfectWave according to http://www.biz.colostate.edu/ecenter/supporters/halloffame/gelwix.htm.... More of his contributions here: http://www.opensecrets.org/indivs/search.asp?NumOfThou=0&txtName=gelwix&txtState=CA&txtZip=&txtEmploy=&txtCand=&txt2004=Y&txt2002=Y&Order=N. Also Gelwix's wife is in on the donating game, listed as an employee of Perfect Wave and VP of Its My Party Inc. which im guessing is another catering business of sorts, but havent found anything they've done yet
According to the San Diego Tribune Wade was a Pentagon program manager before starting MZM. Guess thats where he started forming his connects on the inside
Try the Wayback Machine at http://www.internetarchive.org to look up Mirror Labs. You can find old web sites from 2001.
Un be liev able.
Joseph - you've done an excellent job with the layout of this latest post: it follows logically, and clearly, from beginning to end (all I skipped was the lengthy excerpt about MZM's alleged capabilities). And the overriding plot and outline of the rip-off scheme remain highlighted.
These are peacetime profiteers, no less. Or maybe WarOnTerror Profiteers is more to the point.
Obviously the Justice Department prosecutors who nailed Cunningham should get this information: their probe simply needs to expand to fit the size of the conspiracy involved.
And this sickening dodge and bypass of so-called Campaign Finance Reform rules would keep Keith Olbermann busy for a year... I'll forward a link to Senator Feingold, as he co-sponsored Campaign Finance Reform, and I hope he'll scream and holler in the Senate. [I assume McCain would simply look the other way, as is his wont.]
[Note the similarities between "propietary" vote-count software and "black-op" classified defense information? In both cases, "proof" is TOP SECRET and unavailable to the general public. HOW convenient...]
MANY thanks Joseph, John Dean, et al.
The handful of people in major media and national politics who *might* be inclined to pursue this story need to be bombarded with inquiries.
In media, this would include Bob Herbert and Paul Krugman at the NYT, and 60 Minutes at CBS, meager and unsatisfying as that list is (as well as the previously mentioned Seymour Hersh, who is probably far more inclined to to take it up, since he's not on salary anywhere).
In the political realm, Kerry is probably hopeless, but perhaps Barbara Boxer and Russ Feingold.
The trouble is -- with all due respect to Joseph, and kudos for bringing the story to light -- this site is too easily dismissed. The story needs to break into the larger of circle, to lend it an initial credibility. How to achieve that critical mass is the difficulty....
We can be sure that the Republicans will not let either the House or Senate change hands in 2006, whatever the polls say, which means there will be no Congressional investigation.
Thank you, Joseph. I forwarded your link to John Conyers; he's always at the forefront of requesting investigations.
Don't know if folks have read this re. Katherine Harris & our friends, good stuff
If you could put together a summary of your findings, which would point the way to the obvious -- a money-laundering operation benefting the GOP, funded by the American taxpayer, and based (it would seem) on the Congressional privilege of allocating funds for favored companies -- without necessarily making that point explicitly, readers here could start circulating it.
The idea here would be to draw no unwarranted claims and make no claims you can't prove. But the preponderance of the evidence should speak for itself. Namely, a web of apparently non-existent companies taking in large amount of money from the Pentagon, at the behest of Republican law-makers, who then get their take.
Wilkes and his phony companies reminds me of this website of a fictional company called Flatulent Technologies which I created purely as a joke and a parody:
Does life immitate art or does art immitate life?
for what it is worth, I have emailed newsweek, bloomberg, olberman, cnn, also pelosi, boxer, feinstein and a few Kerry supporters along with a few other misc recipients.
I am asking for mainstream media to please run a story on this and look into it.
It is a sign of the times when readers have to lobby journalists and beg and plead with them to please do a story about certain topics such as vote fraud, political corruption, etc. One of them I even wrote it "takes courage and balls" to run a story on this.
what will we need to do next to get journalists and our own justice department to run a real investigation? offer blow jobs and "happy endings" ?
what is this country coming to?
Reading this article all the way through, I am reminded also of a statement made by a CIA op quoted in the book The Mafia, CIA & George Bush by investigative reporter Pete Brewton to the effect that it is difficult to know where the CIA stops and the Republican Party begins. All those mysterious phony front companies is reminiscent of how spooks operate. However, there are apparently "legitimate" front companies like Brewster Jennings which was searching for WMD in defense of our country, and tracking the flow of illegal narcotics and weapons traffic, and black ops spooks who seem to have a totallly different agenda and chain of command more akin to organized crime (and accountable to whom? -- certain wealthy elites like the Duponts, the Rockefellers, or Hunts perhaps?).
Just finished reading the linked San Diego Union-Tribune news article about Wilkes and gang.
Reporter Dean Calbreath: what a magnificent job! THAT's how investigative journalism is done, Washington Post, NYTimes, and all the rest of you insider elites in D.C. Read it and weep.
I wonder how long it took him to find and weave together all those threads and strands. This material will feed other reporters for weeks and months to come.
BRAVO, Dean.
Write this up.
Send it ^^ HERE ^^
glad to see Bradblog linking to the story.
Check this guy when thinking about acquisitions at the Department of Defense and his predecessor.
He seems to have been a paper salesment before he became part of the DOD team responsible for directing DOD investments.
A story posted on Raw Story is linked to a GovExec.com website:
http://www.govexec.com/dailyfed/1205/120405v1.htm. The mystery figure who aided in the Cunningham corruption of hiring contractors appears to possibly be in the CIA, not DOD_MIGRATOR. The name in the GovExec.com story is CIA executive director Kyle "Dusty" Foggo. Presumably, the prosecutors will eventually bring charges against him if this is true. Let's hope anyway.
Boy, I wish I had time to write right now...
I can briefly say that a reader was kind enough to send a few words of explanation as to what DOD_MIGRATOR means. If I understnad aright, it's someone outside the normal DOD procurement office who drew up the contract.
So -- could that be Foggo?
The CIA angle is one that everyone should be working on right now. Both Wilkes and Wade have backgrounds suggestive of what Joseph Trento calls "The Rogue CIA" -- a netowrk of businessmen and wheeler dealers allied with, but not formally part of, the Agency.
This is REAL investigative journalism. You and the others on this story like fleas on a hound deserve the highest praise -- I'm going to 'hound' everyone I know to read it.
Awesome write up, I have a question, do you happen to have the San Antonio location for MZM on hand, because I have been to San Antonio frequently from Austin recently and I'd be willing to swing by an address and report back with pictures of what the office space actually consists of.
Good to be able to get through to Cannonfire, again, Joseph. If this isn't the biggest scandal of all time, I don't know what is.
''The CIA angle is one that everyone should be working on right now''
From everything I've read about MZM it was responsible for scanning information related to the pre-war planning, (documents, satellite images, photographs etc.) Then Bush says the information he got from the CIA was bad. Makes me wonder if one of Wilkes side-projects was in the Document Forgery business instead of the Document Scanning. I mean, they could get their hands on all kinds of stuff ey?
BTW on a more 'realistic' note good article here;
as you may know.
Here is the URL for the Sure Foundation
here is the URL for the Sure Foundation;
You could also ask the same question about instant growth of Choicepoint.
This firm was a tiny reporting firm to credit and insurance companies, and suddenly after congress told the DOD that the could not collect info on individual citizens, this company became one of the biggest collecting agencies in the country. They collect everything from credit info to your driving record. They report this info, often with major mistakes to the DOD, insurance companies etc. So the DOD found it's way around congress by buying the info instead of collecting it themselves. And Choicepoint grew and grew and......
New piece up by Dan Hopsicker on this matter; "Scandal figure tied to Iran Contra Drug Trafficking".
(Cannon's work cited)
Glad Conyer will be looking to it But will the other Democrates stand with him? They seem not to get thier act together .And ones that are Republians in the party doesn`t help either.Ican`t wait tell all things get done before America completly lost.
I imagine that "mainstream media" is complacement- during the time that this started they were only concerned with reporting, daily, hourly with the Clinton scandals (which did not amount to anything not even the sex scandal, which is nobody's business and did not effect anyone except for his wife & daughter). We are constantly badgered about the evil of government providing and paying for social programs for those less fortunate, but they have no problem with providing taxpayers money to their own party and special interests to be used personally and covering it up and to top it off they don't even contribute their own personal funds via paying their fair share of taxes. Isn't Democracy great.
yes, what has been happening is a financial revolution such that 90% of this country's assets are owned/controlled by 5% of the population.
anyone who talks about making the world a better place for all, universal health coverage, programs for the disadvantaged is being villified as a 'tax and spend liberal' which is sounding more and more like the far right neo-cons have condemned liberals as if they were communists.
as an example, the Walton family and the upper executives for Wal-mart are filthy filthy rich and refuse to even consider any kind of paycut in order to address fundamental underpayment in wages, health benefits, etc. for their 210,000 employees. they just don't care about making the world a better place for everyone, only themselves.
these rich folks have decided that anyone who is poor has only themselves to blame and "it is just too bad" if there are kids that don't get enough to eat or have proper clothes or the elderly who can no work end up slowly starving to death. they just don't care about others, just their own bank accounts.
the United States contributes the least to all overseas charity. We are a very greedy, arrogant, thoughtless country.
At the rate all the middleclass jobs are being outsourced to india and other countries, there won't be a middleclass left.
the thing that bothers me the most is that these folks just don't give a damn as long as their small world is doing just fine.
we have become just like so many dime a dozen petty 3rd world latin american countries.
it's a damn shame. back to the topic, I beseech all major media and journalists of all stripes to please please please (pretty please?) look into this latest Wilkes scandal and all the illegal campaign contributions that the GOP candidates have been receiving.
I also sent it to Conyers, not having read the comments before I sent it! Well, now he has at least two people asking him to look into it.
Thanks for your hard work and dedication.
I'd like to know as much as possible about Rep. McCotter, Michigan 11th. The guy is worthless AND a typical Repub.
I will assist if possible--feel free to ask.
PerfectWave Technologies received a Navy contract in 2003 (http://www.dawnbreaker.com/virtual2003/) - shortly after Brent Wilkes and Perfect Wave CEO Max Gelwix each made $5,000 contributions to Tom DeLay's federal leadership PAC Americans for a Republican Majority PAC ("ARMPAC"). Who lobbied for the Navy contract on PerfectWave's behalf? The Alexander Strategy Group, who, at the time employed DeLay's wife Christine DeLay.
Nice job.
You say,
John Dean found that each of the DOD contracts to ADCS and its related firms were prepared by "DOD_MIGRATOR" -- whoever or whatever that may mean. I'm hardly an expert on Defense Department procurement procedures, so I cannot tell if this nomenclature is standard or unusual.
I bet I know who would know what and maybe who DOD_MIGRATOR might be and she might very well be willing to talk. Bunnantine Greehouse, the former chief Army procurement officer who was canned for questioning Halliburton contracts, might have some insights into this morass. Whether she is under lock and key is another question, though.
Re: Alexander Strategy Group
May 14, 2003
Alexander-Harbour's Two-Party System
Firms agree to disagree about politics, but find success in an unorthodox alliance.
The office along the Georgetown waterfront shared by the Harbour Group and the Alexander Strategy Group might be the only one in Washington with a foosball table and two Segway Human Transporters. But these aren't the only signals that this is not your typical D.C. lobbying outpost.
An even more telling sign is what lobbyists from both firms call "the demilitarized zone"- a six-foot-wide intersection of hallways dividing the territories of the all-GOP Alexander Strategy Group and the die-hard Democratic Harbour Group.
But when a big group of the 30 people who work for the two firms gather in the shared conference room for a Chinese take-out lunch, the camaraderie is strong and party labels blur.
At least until Karl Gallant, an Alexander Strategy partner, pipes up. Suggesting a decidedly Republican addition to the office's "toy" collection, Gallant cracks, "I want to put in a firing range."
Friendly rivalry is, in essence, the business model Harbour and Alexander have adopted. They moved in together in November, but each firm retains its own strongly partisan identity. They have their own compensation and partnership structures, and their own retirement and health care plans.
The Alexander Strategy Group is independent and owned by founder Edwin Buckham and the eight other partners. The Harbour Group is owned by Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman-the 300-lawyer firm headquartered on the third floor of the same waterfront building. Founder Joel Johnson and two other Harbour partners have equity shares in the company.
Partners in both lobby shops believe they are on to a good thing. And they project the two firms will bring in a combined $10 million for this year.
The alliance, Johnson says, grew out of a "working relationship," when both firms represented the U.S.-Malaysia Exchange Association on trade issues and matters related to cooperation, including the war on terror.
And more recently:
Not a Client to Bring Home to Mom
Eritrea “signed Alexander Strategy Group, a firm with strong Republican ties, to a contract worth more than $300K a year to improve its ties with the United States.” According to Amnesty International “torture, arbitrary detention, ‘disappearances’ and ill-treatment of political prisoners” are common in the Horn of Africa nation. Human Rights Watch reports “The Eritrean government has lobbied the United States to use Eritrea’s Red Sea ports as military bases in the war against terrorism.” The contract “forbids the [Alexander Strategy Group] from discussing its work without the consent of Eritrea.” The Alexander Strategy Group’s other clients include the Nuclear Energy Institute , Blackwater USA and PhRMA. Source: O’Dwyer’s PR Daily (reg. req’d), August 10, 2004
Some connections to follow:
Jackson T. Stephens
Club for Growth
Beverly Enterprises
Worthen Bank Corp
Mochtar Riady
Brent Wilkes
World Finance Corp--sells furniture
Kyle Dustin Foggo
MZM, Inc--sells furniture
William DeWitt
Robert Bass
Mercer Reynolds
"Sells furniture." Cute. Even before I read this, I was beginning to wonder what "furniture" was code for.
I'm only one guy and I cannot research all these trails. But I am researching a few of the names you...er..."furnished."
Joseph you are a dumbass get your facts straight before you start writing it. I could prove half the stuff you wrote is BS. Just because you google it doesn't mean it true.
I wonder if the relationship between the Dukester and "fake" defense firms isn't just an instance of a template that is pervasive throughout the congress. I seem to recall donations to Rep. Roy Blunt from some firms that sprang from nowhere and received noteworthy defense contracts.
I am so glad this guy was finally charged. The gov't is slow to do anything. Birds of a feather flock together and so do geese and swine-did you know that Wilkes is linked to Gary Lakis, the marine phony who took $66M in gov't contracts. They even had offices across the street from another. Their relationship goes back, typical how these people find eachother.
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