Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Atta boy

New information has emerged about both Mohammed Atta and the Able Danger scenario. Let's deal first with the latter...

I'm not sure if my readers are as fascinated by the Able Danger story as I am. Much of my fascination stems from the right's adept transformation of a story which actually gives the Bush administration an egg facial.

If DIA higher-ups nixed sharing the identification of Atta, why did Bush diminish CIA's authority in favor of military intelligence? Why didn't the Bushmen do anything with the Atta info between January and September of 2001? Why did Bush's investigators get Atta's chronology completely wrong?

(Incidentally, yesterday I was a skeptic on the Able Danger story. Today I'm not. Tomorrow, the wind will probably shift directions once more.)

Right now, the best piece on Able Danger is this Kos thread by "Sherlock Google." Sherlock, in turn, directs us to Justice Watch, which nails the right-wing for its deliberate misinterpretation of Jamie Gorelick's alleged "wall":

The "wall" metaphor is shorthand for the recognition that separate authorities govern law enforcement and foreign intelligence investigations targeted against Americans. These authorities, designed to prevent a recurrence of domestic spying by the FBI and CIA, always recognized that international terrorism was both a law enforcement and intelligence matter. Contrary to the repeated mischaracterization by the Attorney General and others, the law never prohibited sharing information between law enforcement and intelligence communities; to the contrary, it expressly provided for such sharing. While the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was interpreted to mean that prosecutors could not direct foreign intelligence wiretaps, as opposed to criminal wiretaps, the 9/11 failures had nothing whatsoever to do with the inability of prosecutors to direct such surveillance.
(Emphasis added.) One may also mention the inconvenient fact that Gorelick left the Clinton administration in 1997.

Here's a bit more, from Sherlock himself:

So the responsibility for stopping DIA program Able Danger, which had Identified Atta and 3 other hijackers and linked them to 56 other al-Queda terrorists overseas, has been laid at the feet of Bill Clinton--except he and Richard Clarke were never told about it at all.

That's right. Bill Clinton was never told about Able Danger and the ID of Atta because Richard Clarke was never told about AD. How do I know? He never wrote about it in his book, nor did he testify about it's existence before the 9-11 Commission!

You see Richard Clarke was known for being obsessed with Osama Bin Laden and HE was the guy the neo-con moles did not want to know about Atta and the gang.
Some readers may consider this passage a bit too paranoid, and I'm half-inclined to agree. One commentator has said that the problem with Able Danger's "data mining" technology has always been the high level of false positives; finding Atta was like finding a needle in a stack of needles.

Yeah, but.

Remember: The Able Danger team was specifically directed to place tape over Atta's face, and this literal cover-up argues against the "needle in a stack of needles" image. Something about that specific guy set off alarm bells.

So far, the only name mentioned in connection with this cover-up is that of General Pete Schoomaker, currently facing the task of trying to find enough recruits to fulfill the army's growing needs.

Eric Umansky made another interesting point recently. When Able Danger placed Atta's name on their flow charts, did they refer to him as "Mohammed Atta"? The man's full name was Mohamed Mohamed el-Amir Awad el-Sayed Atta, and until late 2000, he usually went by the name Mohamed el-Amir.

However, he did call himself "Mohammed Atta" in 1999, when he visited Johnelle Bryant and filled out a loan application to buy a crop duster. The Bryant story was officially discounted until recently.

Now I'm beginning to wonder if more than one person used the name "Atta."

Actually, we know that of one other person who definitely did use that name: Mohammed Atta's father, who -- just to make matters supremely confusing -- also is known as Mohammed El-Amir. In interviews after the attack, this Cairo lawyer came across as something of a kook. News accounts quote him as saying that he spoke to his son after 9/11. When another reporter asked him where the younger Atta might now be, the elder Atta replied: "Ask Mossad." Although he blamed the Israelis for 9/11, El-Amir has more recenlty made explicit public statements in favor of Islamic terrorism.

Now Daniel Hopsicker claims to have found evidence that the senior Atta visited his son less than a fortnight before the catastrophe.

Hopsicker learned of this strange visit from an interview with a pharmacist who has long been a friend of his (Hopsicker's) family:

Accompanied by Mohamed Atta and his bodyguard Marwan Al-Shehhi, the pharmacist stated that Mohamed Atta Senior had been in his pharmacy several weeks before the attack, to send a fax.

"We have just about the only public fax in town," the pharmacist stated. "The fax went to a number in New Jersey."
I'd be very curious to know this number. Most people who follow these events know of the Israeli "moving company" called Urban Moving Systems in New Jersey. This firm functioned as both a Mossad front and a notorious scam operation. (After quoting a low-ball estimate to get the gig, they would would load up the furniture and refuse to unload it if the customer did not pay a wildly inflated price.) The Israeli "students" who worked for this dubious firm were seen cheering as the twin towers crumbled.

Incidentally, the head of that humble moving company -- Dominick Suter -- somehow managed to pay for three residences, including an apartment on the other side of the country -- in Los Angeles, not far from where I live. I've driven past the place. Pretty ritzy digs -- "south of the Boulevard," as they say in the San Fernando Valley.

After being outed as a Mossad "helper," Suter high-tailed it back to Israel.


Anonymous said...

hm. the thought plickens....

i seem to recall some report right after 9/11 regarding atta's father being devastated in cairo, claiming his son would never do such a thing as this, he was a good boy, etc. the report made him a sympathetic character.

one thing - amongst many - that i have great difficulty resolving in my head is the very twisted orgy of bed partners between the muslim 'terrorists', the rightwing 'christians', and zionist israel (just to bring in the religion thing in your next post).

i mean, could this really all be a scheme to give the west an excuse to take over the muslim oil region + military placement? why would muslims/saudis cooperate? in order to keep their hold on the bootie, with american protection? the israeli agenda seems clear on that count, but again, the only christian angle i can muster is the rapture. and why would the israelis involved tolerate the rapture's clear anti-semitism?

honestly, this all reads like some rejected chapter out of the hitchhiker's galaxy. some bizarre array of greedy little mutants all colluding for some vague but shiny goal that really ultimately reduces to their own self-serving avarice.

the problem is, for them (good for us), this will eventually destroy the whole thing from within, each of them demanding yet more power, more pieces of the pie.

wish watching this movie was not so dangerous to our health; indeed, our very existence. but for that rather critical detail, it is quite fascinating entertainment.

thanks for stirring all this up for us!

Anonymous said...

Larry Chin "9/11: the spinning of the smoking gun" in on 24 August has done a brilliant job of drawing together some of the main threads in the 9/11 saga. Highly recommended, and places the "Able Danger" pseudo revelations in their proper context.

Anonymous said...

Joe you should get a kick out of this:

notice the defendents are Israeli and Palestinian.
I moved in New York not long ago-and had a similar problem. Went with another moving company-which I later discovered was run by Israelis. No kidding.
Once I had discovered this...I had to laugh. It was too late to change this time, so I paid what was owed even though it had taken over a month for them to fulfill the moving contract in its entirety.

None of this has much to do with anything here...just as I doubt the movers have much to do with Atta's father.

You may have forgotten- Hanjour had moved to New Jersey by then:

I would guess this had more to do with drugs...than oil.

but as far as oil goes, you might check out "the Kissinger Plan" to understand how many years ago this world domination was mapped out. The idea was that if they were able to control the world's resources -not just oil...they would then have world dominance for the next 100 years,
really has nothing to do with a fuel shortage. I get a kick out of how many of these folks quote CIA men like James Woolsey, when trying to prove that the reason oil is so high is that we are running out. haha
Someone ought to investigate that rip off. Good thing I don't drive, or I would make that demand.

Seriously though, isn't it interesting how some individuals have fueled the religiousity of this so-called "war on terror," namely Atta's father.
He has been quoted time and again blaming all of this on the Mossad and the Zionists.
Somehow this is beginning to appear more like a big old conjob to keep attention away from what the operation was doing-running drugs.

Another explosive revelation from Hopsicker. I wonder if anyone is going to make the FBI answer to this erasure?

I may just forward this to my congressman.

Anonymous said...

Well, I should start by saying that the "Able Danger" matter is an enormous red herring flopping around on the table, precisely what the Republinazis want us to be talking about. It plays into their hands because if everyone talks about who "ignored" what and how long fake "9/11 hijackers" were in the country, it only further falsely reinforces the "official" 9/11 lie.

It is long overdue that we as a country take a look at 9/11 with dispassionate, objective, analytical, realistic eyes instead of taking the "official" 9/11 story at face value and letting the Bushites dictate the parameters of our argument.

Anonymous said...

I mean, has anyone else noticed that the "official" 9/11 story just doesn't pass the "smell test"? In fact, it reeks. You see, the "official" story isn't meant to be analyzed, but rather accepted at face value; this is because even at a cursory examination of the details it unravels VERY quickly. Let's take a look at some of the more salient points that tear the guts out of the "official" 9/11 story:

1.Just watch the video footage of the "collapses" of the Twin Towers and WTC # 7 and it is clear that they were controlled demolitions. At regular tape speed the explosions plainly visible, as are the "squibs" of dust jetting out of windows near the blasts, and watch as each building comes down in nine seconds, freefall rate, a feat impossible by the laws of physics UNLESS explosives were used to disintegrate everything holding the buildings up, i.e. a controlled demolition. For a more detailed discussion as to how physics rules out everything BUT a controlled demolition as the cause of the "collapses", see:
Only explosives are going to pulverize all that concrete into little chunks and dust instead of slabs and medium-sized to large slabs of floors. Only explosives are going to sever those floor joists at the joints and disintegrate each of the FORTY-SEVEN huge main support columns simultaneously to allow it to come down at the rate an object falls through air unopposed. For more of an engineering point of view as to the impossibility of anything but a controlled demolition as the cause of the "collapses", see:
The type of explosives used were probably thermite as that would explain the large "hot spots" under the WTC rubble still hot weeks after 9/11. The quickest way, however, to see that the "official" story is a steaming turd sandwich is to simply watch the video footage of the "collapses". See for yourself:

2.Bush's behavior on the morning of 9/11 is very damning. When Andy Card whispered in his ear that a second plane had hit the WTC then everyone concerned knew it could be no accident, so if the "official" story is true then Bush's Secret Service chief would have had to assume that Bush might be a possible target and the Secret Service would have immediately spirited him away to a much safer, less-publicized location. But they didn't. Instead, Bush was allowed to sit there and be read to by schoolkids for several minutes, then Bush gladhanded with teachers and posed for photos with them, and THEN Bush carried out his pre-scheduled press conference plugging the 'No Child Left Behind' act, not leaving that elementary school for almost and hour. This can only mean: Bush and his Secret Service chief had to have known Bush was not a possible target on 9/11; the ONLY WAY they could have known that is if Bush knew the 9/11 plans beforehand, ergo 9/11 was an inside job. Though Bush's actions of that morning are well-documented (including a press conference!), nobody in the American mainstream media dares mention what Bush's tarrying at that school MEANS in terms of evidence.

Anonymous said...

3.What happened to the world's most expensive Air Force on 9/11? How were the "hijacked airliners" allowed to fly from the time of the first one deviating from its flight plan to the one hitting the Pentagon an HOUR AND TWENTY MINUTES through the most heavily-watched airspace in America, the Northeast, to meander to their targets one of which was the Pentagon (!) all with no interference whatsoever from the Air Force?? The one that hit the South Tower even had enough time to accidently fly past its target all the way to Newark, New Jersey and turn around, then head back to NYC to crash into the South Tower!! N.O.R.A.D. has for many, many years monitored all civilian domestic air traffic on radar as the F.A.A. does, and N.O.R.A.D. sees everything on its radar screens that the F.A.A. does (at least), meaning if something air-related happens in the U.S. then N.O.R.A.D. and the F.A.A. both know immediately. The Northeast is littered with fighter bases, each with at least two fighters and two pilots on standby ready to scramble, 24 hours a day every day. It is standard operating procedure to scramble fighters to check out an unresponsive airliner and requires no higher orders than the airbase commander. They are trained to do what is called a "graduated response" which involves first appearing off of the wing of the unresponsive or deviant airliner, then if the pilot doesn't repond then they rock their wings, and if there is still no response then they can fire off flares (the type used as decoys to distract infrared-seeking missiles) nearby to show that they mean business. Then if the pilot still won't respond and agree to land then they can fire their cannons nearby to underscore their sincerity, then although the actual shoot-down order would have to then be authenticated by the vice pres. as of June or July of 2001 when Cheney changed the rule, there ewas nevertheless PLENTY of time for that and no fighters even appeared off of the wing of any of the four "hijacked airliners" to begin with! In every other instance before 9/11 and since, when an airliner has deviated from its flight plan or in some way acted like it MIGHT be hijacked, fighters appeared off the wing of the unresponsive airliner in a FEW MINUTES. In the eight-and-a-fraction months of 2001 before 9/11 fighters were scrambled to check out unresponsive airliners sixty-seven times (all were harmless) and that is not an unusual amount. So what countermanded their standard operating procedure on 9/11?? Gen'l. Myers testified that the Air Force "exercises" (wargames) being held on 9/11 did not hinder their readiness, in fact he said they enhanced it as one would expect during exercises, so we can rule that out. So what are the odds of the world's most expensive Air Force being totally asleep at the switch for one particular day in one particular year, the very day when they were needed the most? Maybe one in a million?? For more information about the Air Force's incriminating impotence on 9/11, see:

4.The "airliner" that hit the Pentagon did not hit it on the side from which it was approaching; no, instead it circled around and hit it in the part that was under renovation at the time, with less military personnel present, non-coincidentally the farthest point in the Pentagon from where Rumsfeld and the top military brass are located. The part that was struck had just before 9/11 been reinforced so a fire there would not spread elsewhere in the building. For a casual mention of these non-coincidences, see:
Also consider that the Pentagon, the seat of the Dept. of Defense and well-equipped with surface-to-air missile (SAM) launchers fired no SAMs in its own defense! Not even one!! Within five minutes of the crash the F.B.I. was seizing the tapes of two civilian security cameras that happened to be pointed at the crash site, one from a motel's parking lot and the other, a gas station. The tapes have never been seen or mentioned since. For more about the gas station camera tape story, see:
Furthermore, the "airliner" that hit the Pentagon left no wings, no tail section, no fuselage no luggage parts etc. on the Pentagon's lawn as would have happened if a real airliner crashed there. It didn't even put a gouge in the lawn!! Also consider that the original hole (not the larger section of wall blown out a half hour later with explosives) was only about 16 feet in diameter, way too small. For some photos of the original hole and the remarkable gougeless lawn with no wings, no tail section etc., see:

Anonymous said...

5.There were no Middle Eastern names on any of the four flight manifests; read them over, you'll find none. Also consider, by everyone's account the "hijacker pilots" were far too inept to even master flying Piper Cubs, let alone flying airliners like they were fighter jocks pulling high G-force turns no real airliner will do. For commercial airliner pilots disagreeing with the "official" story, see:

6.What about the "hijacker's" passport that was "found" near the WTC rubble a few days after 9/11? How did it survive the "collapse" and the "intense" fire we were told incinerated passengers, plane and even the plane's black boxes?? (It didn't; it was obviously planted in a hamfisted attempt to "reinforce" the "official" story). If the "official" story were true then we should start making airliners out of heavy laminated paper with a vinyl cover so they can be "indestructable" like that passport!! Besides, why was his passport "found" there anyway? Wouldn't that mean he would have used it in the boarding process then, and his name would've found its way onto a flight manifest? The "official" story even contradicts itself. For an interview with a relief worker at Ground Zero regarding the reaction (disbelief) of many or most of the relief workers there when the "discovery" of the passport was made, see:

7.What about the at least seven "9/11 hijackers" that turned up alive and well days after 9/11, wondering why they were being wrongfully accused? Though this was widely reported in foreign news media, the castrated American mainstream media largely ignored it, and even today can be heard to sing the chorus of the "nineteen hijackers" as though nothing ever contradicted it! For a couple sources regarding them still being alive including a BBC article, see:

Anonymous said...

8.What about the obvious foreknowledge of whoever forewarned some prominent individuals like San Francisco mayor Willie Brown and some military generals to avoid flying and the WTC on 9/11? They promptly cancelled their flights and their plans. For more information, see:

9.What about the obvious foreknowledge of whoever placed record amounts of "put" orders on the stock of United Airlines, American Airlines and Morgan Stanley-Dean Witter (had HQ in the WTC) in the week just before 9/11? A "put" order is betting that a stock is going to drop in value. Though the C.I.A. monitors the stock market and the S.E.C. can trace who made the orders, they choose not to pursue it. For more information, see:

10.The Air Force had at least five separate "exercises" scheduled for 11 September 2001 involving mock "hijacked airliners" and false radar injects. The C.I.A. and the National Reconnaissance Office (N.R.O.) also both had "exercises" scheduled for 9/11, the N.R.O.'s involving the premise of "an airplane crashing into a building". The governor of Florida Jeb Bush had Florida placed under a state of emergency four days BEFORE 9/11, he said to help to counter terrorism. The owner of the WTC property, Larry Silverstein, just two months before 9/11 took out a HUGE insurance policy on the WTC buildings. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (F.E.M.A.) had an "exercise" called Tripod II scheduled for 12 September 2001 for Manhattan and "just happened" to arrive on 10 September complete with a triage center, all ready for 9/11. As if all that isn't enough, a company called Controlled Demolitions Inc., specializing in (demolitions and) removal of debris from controlled demolitions (like the WTC) also "just happened" to be in Manhattan on 9/11. The odds of all of this just being a string of coincidences are about one in a googolplex, mathematically impossible. For more about these and other "coincidences" of 9/11, see:

Anonymous said...

The last address should read:

Anonymous said...

Why does it keep cutting off the end of the word "coincidence" in the address of it? Regardless, the address is correct except towards the end "coincidence" needs to be spelled out fully instead of "coincide" as it appeared above.

Anonymous said...

11.The actions of the Bush regime in the time since 9/11 have shown to be a cover-up. The steel debris from the WTC was quickly shipped off to China and India to be melted down. Isn't that destruction of evidence?? If the "official" story were true then wouldn't they want to analyze the steel to see just how "fire" caused these buildings to "collapse"? Why was the task of "investigating" the WTC # 7 "collapse" given to F.E.M.A. which has no investigative organs or experience? The tapes of the firefighters' radio communications from 9/11 were classified for years until a couple weeks ago when a court finally ruled that the N.Y. Fire Dept. had to turn over the tapes, but not before telling the N.Y.F.D. it could edit out any "painful" or "embarrassing" parts [read: any parts contradicting the "official" story]. Soon after 9/11 when the surviving firefighters started mentioning they heard and felt explosions just before the WTC "collapses", they were all quickly placed under a gag order to not speak about anything they saw, heard or felt on 9/11. The F.A.A. air traffic controllers on duty on 9/11 are under a similar gag order to not talk about anything they heard or saw on their radar screens on 9/11. Sound like a blatant cover-up? That's because it IS. Bush steadfastly refused to even allow a 9/11 commission to be formed, only relenting when he was allowed to handpick its members and dictate its scope and focus (narrow, with a predetermined outcome). Even THEN Bush refused to testify in front of it, insisting his "testimony" be behind closed doors, to only two selected members, NOT under oath, with his weasel attorney Alberto Gonzales and Dick Cheney present, with no tape recording made and the notes taken were confiscated immediately afterward and destroyed. Now does that sound like a man with nothing to hide?

12.In the late 1990s, a group of right-wing nutcases (Cheney-Wolfowitz-Rumsfeld-Feith-Perle et al) called the "Project for a New American Century" or P.N.A.C. laid out their plans for what they hoped would secure American global dominance for the long term. Part of this was a plan to build an oil pipeline from the Caspian Sea oil fields across Turkmenistan, across Afghanistan to Pakistan and a port. The P.N.A.C. also unsuccessfully badgered Clinton to invade Iraq in 1998 because of its massive oil resources as the world's second-largest oil producer! They even stated in 1999 or 2000 in a paper called "Rebuilding America's Defenses" that the American public would not support large increases in defense spending and a more aggressive military posture without some catalyzing, galvanizing event like "a new Pearl Harbor". When "W" came to power these madmen became his top advisors. In July 2001 they gave an ultimatum to the government of Afghanistan (the only holdout in their pipeline scheme), saying "Either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold or we'll bury you under a carpet of bombs". The Afghan governemnt refused, so on 11 September of that year the C.I.A. and highest levels of the military and Bush administration carried out their 9/11 false flag operation, blaming it on "Al Qaeda" adn using it as an "excuse" to invade Afghanistan (and tried to use it as an "excuse" to invade Iraq!) and have basically used it as an "excuse" for everything else since. For more information about the pernicious machinations of the P.N.A.C., see:

Anonymous said...

So you might ask, "How did they do it?". Here's a likely answer:

On the morning of 9/11, when the four real airliners took off, for each airliner a remotely-piloted drone also took off, mirroring its flight plan but at a considerably higher altitude. Three drones were smallish, about comparable in size to a large fighter or a commuter jet like a Lear jet. The other was a remotely-piloted Air Force tanker aircraft (based on the Boeing 757 airframe). All were presumably painted up in United Airlines and American Airlines livery. All the drones were flown by controllers on board an Air Force E-3A Sentry A.W.A.C.S. aircraft. For more information about remotely-piloted drone technology, see:
Anyway, at a certain point in each real airliner's flight N.O.R.A.D. contacts its pilot on the radio and tells him of a [fake] "terrorist threat" to some unspecified airports, and to turn off his transponder and fly out over the Atlantic to loiter there in a racetrack pattern until it can be determined which airports are "safe" for landing. So as each real airliner peels off to head to the Atlantic, its "mirroring" drone turns to head toward its target. Meanwhile, fighter pilots patrolling over the Atlantic as part of the aforementioned Air Force "exercises" see [eventually] four unidentified blips on their radar screens (which are the four real airliners with their transponders off). N.O.R.A.D. then contacts the fighter pilots on their radio and tells them that the blips on the radar are "drones" that are simulating "hijacked airliners", and they are cleared to shoot them down. So they do, and if those fighter pilots are still alive today (doubtful), then they probably still think they were shooting down drones for target practice on 9/11. Then a smallish drone crashes into the North Tower (hence the early reports of a "small plane" hitting it, and the thing in the Naudet brothers' ameteur footage that was definitely NOT a Boeing 757). Then seventeen minutes later, when the media's cameras were on the scene, the tanker drone crashed into the South Tower (hence the huge Hollywood action movie fireball, and the early reports that the "airliner" that hit the South Tower had no windows). Then a smaller drone crashed into the Pentagon (hence the early reports of a "small plane" hitting it, and the absence of an airliner's wings, tail section etc.). The fourth drone [also smaller] which was likely intended for the Capitol Building or the White House, was not needed as the other three had hit perfectly, so a different fighter pilot, this one North Dakota air nat'l. guard was told the drone was a "real hijacked airliner" headed for Washington D.C., and was ordered to shoot it down, so he did (near Shanksville, Penn.) and if he's still alive today (again doubtful), then he probably still thinks he saved the Capitol Building or the White House.

As for the explosives in the WTC, they were likely installed years before, in the aftermath of the 1993 WTC van bombing as a secret clause of the insurance companies just in case another bombing or an earthquake etc. makes the Twin Towers unstable they could be evacuated and brought down right into their footprints with no risk of them toppling over onto other buildings. They were wired to be set off from the mayor's emergency command center in the concrete bunker on floor 23 of the WTC # 7 building, which itself was rigged with explosives. So on 9/11 when the fire in the South Tower started dying, and their "reason" for a "collapse" with it, they set off the charges and brought the South Tower down. Exactly thirty minutes later the North Tower's charges went off. Later in the day they set the timer on the charges in the WTC # 7 building (or remote-detonated it, one of the two) and it too "collapsed" so as to destroy the evidence in the command center.

So we have reviewed twelve key points taht individually disprove the "official" 9/11 story, and taken together shred the "official" story into confetti. As emotion is the enemy of reasoning, I understand it may be hard to accept on an emotional level that our own government that milked 9/11 for every drop of political clout they could possibly get are the ones who caused it. The truth isn't always pretty but it is the truth nevertheless and everyone needs to be made aware of it. Some more websites and pages relating to the 9/11 inside job are:

Anonymous said...

Yikes -spam alert!
pandora-see you doing this all over- do they pay you to post this ??