Tuesday, May 17, 2005

That darn Holocaust...!

You remember Francis Fukuyama, don'tcha? The fella who made the rather premature announcement that history had ended? He's now a member of the President's Council on Bioethics and director of the Human Biotechnology Governance Project.

His most recent statement will astonish even the most jaundiced reader. I"d say it crosses a line -- but this administration has erased all lines:

We could really speed up the whole process of drug improvement if we did not have all the rules on human experimentation. If companies were allowed to use clinical trials in Third World countries, paying a lot of poor people to take risks that you wouldn't take in a developed country, we could speed up technology quickly. But because of the Holocaust...
Poor Francis! He could do so much good for the world, playing Dr. Mengele in riff-raff land, outsourcing human experimentation the way we now outsource torture, poisoning the brown to aid the white.

But he can't perform these valuable services. All because of that silly old business with the Nazis. I guess some people consider human experimentation to be politically incorrect...

And remember: Fukuyama is Bush's point man on bioethics. Thank god we have a president who embraces the culture of life.


Anonymous said...

Mister Cannon .with all this Nazi redux taking place within our borders and especially within the White House, ..why don't you inform your readers about the gentleman you met, that met Hitler in 1962? While you'er at it, tell your readers...who are not into serious research..(most of them), that of the thirteen eye witness accounts of his death..there were thirteen different points of view as to how he suicided himself.
Self inflicted gunshot wound to the right temple, no, self inflicted gunshot wound to the left temple, no, no, he bit into a cyanide capsule as he simultaneously pulled the trigger on his pistola. no, no, no, his SS adjutant had to give him a coup d grace because his hands were trembling so badly that he could not do it to himself. etc etc etc.
Then inform your readers about all the Nazis that were staged into Amerika..secretly and illegally and behind the then Presidents back..Truman..to create the C I A with Reinhard Gehlen..Hitlers Intell. chief of Eastern Europe.
Then it will all start making sense..You owe your unique audience and eyeful. Otherwise everything is quite puzzling as the speculations accelerate concerning our radical departure from what was America, when Tom Mix, Roy Rogers, Kate Smith, Walter Winchell, Roosevelt, Social Security, steel mills, cowboys, Joe Louis, great apple pie, and Carl Sandburg stood up and shook hands.

Anonymous said...

I heartily agree. It sounds like wild talk to say "Look out, here comes the Fourth Reich," but sober fact is not far short.
At the very least I think we can say that the Bush family learned many fundamentals from their former business associate Adolf Hitler: the Big Lie first and foremost. (If you need a reminder of the principle, it is to tell the Bald Unbelievable Lie over and over until it's believed by everybody that matters.)
More: The decision simply not to notice bad press, until the press comes around. The reaching for autocratic, would-be dictatorial control over what people are thinking, via press and TV, which is Bush's equivalent of Hitler's radio. I could go on, but Thom Hartman has made the case elegantly and damningly in his "When Democracy Failed - 2005 The Warnings of History," which should be required reading for us all. It is at:


And do not miss Orcinus' writings on fascism and totalism and what they REALLY are.
There's a wonderful quote from '30s Dorothy Thompson you may have seen; she saw the phenomenon close up and had a great eye for the real issue:

"No people ever recognize their dictator in advance. He never stands for election on the platform of dictatorship. He always represents himself as the instrument [of] the Incorporated National Will. ... When our dictator turns up you can depend on it that he will be one of the boys, and he will stand for everything traditionally American. And nobody will ever say 'Heil' to him, nor will they call him 'Fuhrer' or 'Duce.' But they will greet him with one great big, universal, democratic, sheeplike bleat of 'O.K., Chief! Fix it like you wanna, Chief! Oh Kaaaay!'"

She wrote that in 1935. 70 years later it is coming true.
Back to the Nazis...as Thom Hartmann has shown, Bush & Co. (with the help of Karl Rove, whose grandpa was a Nazi gauleiter) has created a corporation-crony-style Nazism that is perfectly American, and of course he has on board all the theocrats, corporatists, homegrown fascists, absolutists, good-hearted "hope-for-the-besters," muddled thinkers and couch potatoes...just as Hitler did.
How do you wake up a nation?
What scares me is that our beloved nation may actually have to go through this, all of it, till we bottom out and finally vomit, like Germany had to, and do our best to repudiate our own damaged souls.
I am sick at heart and feel helpless... just like the "Good Germans" did when they saw it happening to their country. Americans have always felt so superior to the "Good Germans" -- why didn't they get up on their hind legs and throw the bastards out? Now we're finding out how simplistic it was to think so...now that we're the "Good Americans" and our hands are tied.

Anonymous said...

Addenda to message above. Meant to include Orcinus' url. Here it is:


He is probably the most thoughtful, fair-minded, incisive thinkers on just what fascism and totalitarianism are and what they are not, and tries to answer the question how close we are coming to it in a balanced, sensible way.

Barry Schwartz said...
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Barry Schwartz said...
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Anonymous said...

And people hold Dr. Kevorkian in contempt for helping dying people die in peace!